Monday, February 1, 2010

She lives in my lap

Here is a labelled photo of myself wearing everything that I regularly make fun of.

The only thing that you can't see is that I was listening to Creed.

Apart from that though, this pretty much displays all of my favourite and most used insults (paying special attention to the American Apparel wear, which is obviously a very popular and effective insult favoured by many), all captured by the Photo Booth program on a Macbook.

The awesome thing is though that I actually own and it wouldn't be out of character for me to even wear everything in this photo. AND I REALLY DO LISTEN  TO CREED.

Some people may call that "hypocrisy".
And by some people, I mean anyone that is even slightly just the tiniest bit clued up on the meaning of "hypocrisy", would call this "hypocrisy".

Obviously it can be really enjoyable and the source of many laughs to poke fun at different social groups for whatever stupid trends/typical fashions/slang/music they opt for, but really - I don't care. I wear stupid crap all the time, and I know there are people that HATE the clothes I wear. But the awesome thing is is that what we all choose to wear doesn't really effect anyone else. I KNOW, COOL RIGHT?

Just because you have a fake tan doesn't make you shit person, just because you wear shorts that have less material than a denim g-banger doesn't make you boring, and just because you drive a ute doesn't make you stupid. Sure there is about a 78% higher chance that you ARE a stupid, boring, shit person for committing these crimes against my morals courtesy of Vice Magazine, but I guess it would be unfair/wrong/something I think but cannot say out loud, to suggest that these things are directly related.

Ps. Here is a photo of me taking a photo with a digital camera that is so digital it doesn't have a view finder.

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