Monday, October 26, 2009


Lately it has become very apparent to me that many women are petrified to admit: THEY LOVE ASSHOLES

Being a girl who openly accepts her love for men who are arrogant, audacious, and who sometimes borderline on just plain rude, I find these women highly irritating and the catalyst of many bickers, banters, and arguments. And if anyone has seen me in one of these situations, the fact that I, myself, am an asshole becomes more and more apparent.

The natural law of Asshole-attraction is not sexist though - oh no. Guys gag for it too.
I first learnt this when I read "The Man-ual - Bad boys finish first" by Steve Santagati back in 2007. It was set in stone when earlier this year I met a boy who turned me into "the nice girl" in the Game of Love.
To give you an idea of the severity of this situation, if I were playing Monopoly - Love Edition, I would be the iron, and whoever is playing as the car stole all my money when I went to the toilet.

THANKFULLY, this didn't live past a couple of (boring, lonely) months. I actually became SO NICE, that when I first met a guy, after assessing our present lives, future goals, ambitions, desires, strengths and weaknesses in the first conversation with him, if I didn't calculate more than a 90% long term relationship success rating, I just wouldn't see him again.
Now this may seem like a conceited act, but really, my view was that I didn't want them getting too attached or even really getting to the thought that maybe one day we would speak to each other on a day-to-day basis so as to save THEIR FEELINGS for when I possibly decided I was over it (ok, maybe a little conceited, but c'mon, I'm a catch hard to let back into the ocean). So I tackled this situation HEAD ON, by giving them the flick before they even drew close to the assumption that I am definitely a female, who does not wear Crocs.

But in hindsight, even if I let the ball roll for a bit longer, they would've lost interest anyway because BEING THAT CONSIDERATE JUST ISN'T HOT.
It's true. Who wants someone who doesn't sleep because they are too busy brain storming different possible routes from your house to work so as to reduce your correct travelling time of 11 minutes to 8 minutes thus allowing 3 extra minutes to enjoy the organic, soy, Arabica bean topped up Machiatto with 3 grams of raw sugar served in a gold rimmed glass, in the morning.
Where's the chase?
Where's the anticipation after sending them a text message, and spending the next 78 minutes that it takes them to reply cursing yourself because you totally could've asked how their night was in a far more quirky (yet still laid back) way?
It doesn't exist because you don't send them text messages, or need to ask how their night was, because they were outside your front door with a harp singing Elton John songs that he has altered to have your name in them.

Many people believe that if something is too good to be true - it probably isn't. So you may have the sex appeal of Scar Joh, the charm of Michael Buble, and the wit of Arj Barker, but if you're heart is as difficult to capture as a 14 year old who just watched The Notebook - you'll be as unlucky in love as Jennifer Aniston (Post-Brad.. Yeah.. Fuck that).

Now I'm not saying we should all start rocking up to dates 2 hours late and apologising by saying "haha.. soz", but there needs to be some SASS, some cheek, some quirk, some chance that you're not going to be available on any given day of the week.

So you could think that I am rude, up myself, cocky, just a general fucking bitch, but that's not true. I love people, I love girls and I love boys.
Whenever I am seeing someone I appreciate all the cute things they do for me, I inform them of all the things I like about them, I am always there for them, and I generally care. I just don't text back sometimes and require them to PLAN to see me - not call an hour before they want ME to drive to THEM.
It's not playing games, it's just having enough calcium in my spine to decline kowtowing to some crush who (adorably) walks into my life, and to prioritise the friends that were there for me pre-crush, and will still be there for me post-crush.

How food relates to ones level of sexual attraction


Saturday, October 17, 2009

2 months ago

I was given this flower and I stared at it from across the room.
I watched it. Studied as much of the detail that I could see from 3 metres away.
After half an hour I decided that I liked the flower.
So I walked over and picked it up to take a closer look.
There was a bug living in it. I threw it out.
I still think about it. A lot.
And now all I'm left with is this anger toward the person who gave it to me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bankrupt in the Valley

Met this man. He read our palms and briefed us on our zodiac and chinese signs. Apparently, Horses are more loyal to Dogs than Dogs are to Horses. Ripped off.

My character according to zodiac and chinese signs is as follows: Hard working. When I find the career that I am passionate for, I'll throw everything I have at it. Living on coffee, forgetting to eat, late nights at the office, regularly missing dinner with my adoring wife and kids, etc. (Ok I just added that in, but I just really want to be Elliot from Law & Order:SVU).

I don't trust or fall for people easily. I observe people thoroughly, for a while, before I truely commit to them. But when I do, I'm there until the end of the end. And I'm not easily intimidated or scared by hard times or circumstances.

I love with my head before my heart, but once my heart is involved it's all John Cusak in Serendipity instead of Rose McGowan in Jawbreaker.

In my hand, he read: Old soul. Mature beyond my years and grounded. I'm not at all flighty. I make a decision and I stand by it.

Long, healthy life. I'll be 80 years old and able to remember that my cat, George, died in 2068 and no matter how loud I scream his name - he's not coming.

I'm pretty sure he just wanted to sit there holding our hands, like some sort of spiritual leader as we gaze up at him, hanging on his every word, in total agreeance and admiration with all that he spoke. It worked. Felt pretty lame, but at the same time it was nice for someone to sit there and identify me. I get off on listening to other people's opinion of me. It's really the only way to grasp a general idea of how you act and behave. Not so much of who you are, as other people can't hear your intentions, emotions, or thoughts. Only you can. It's easy to forget.

So maybe if you collaborate all of the above, you can make a fair educated guess as to who you are as a person. And you'll find the "About me" sections of networking websites a shit load easier.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Assignment 70

Goodbye you
Goodbye checking your facebook page daily
Goodbye checking the profile of a girl who's wall you posted on
Goodbye caring that you posted on the wall of a girl
Goodbye noticing that you don't usually post on people's wall and finding it suspiciously unusual that you would post on the wall of a girl
Goodbye spending too much time analysing why you posted on this girl's wall and what you meant by what you said
Goodbye reminiscing about the times that I was the only girl whose wall you posted on
Goodbye then posting a blog about it